Wednesday 1 October 2014


On saturday, September 27th 2014. SMAN 3 Bandung present MATSWAPATI. That was a culture festival. MATSWAPATI held at Lapangan Bali, jl. Bali no. 8.

I was a committee in this event as decoration teamwork. I was busy to make a beautiful decor. All committee were working so hard for this event. Because this is a new event after many years school held event like this.

After I finished my work on D-1 at 22.00pm. I went home and took a rest because i had to go to Lapangan Bali in the morning to checked all of decors.

In the morning i woke up earlier. I woke up at 4am because all committe should there on 5am. Fortunately, all decoration committee shouldn't there at early morning. We could go there at 9am. 

So, me and my friend, Rafa, had breackfast togerther at KFC Riau at 7am.  And we went to Lapangan Bali at 8am and brought some snack for other committee. 

As we arrived there. We gave them some snack. Me and Rafa didn't know what we should do. Because our job was finished. So we went to "jajanan Mastwapati" that was a place that all food sold. There are many traditional food. Like fried chicken, tradional cake and many more. And also there are tradional drink like bajigur and bandrek. But there ate modern food too. 

I helped the other committee. I helped a ticketing part to prepared. As i was helping the other, MATSWAPATI official opened with Ridwan Kamil. I couldn't see it because i was busy.

There are perfomance by traditional perfomances. It was so fun but I couldn't watch them. I helped ticketing and other parts because they were busy. I couldn't stand for a while. People kept comming. And there's a lot to do. 

After i helped the other, finally the final came. That was Glen Fredly perfomance. I was so exicited to see him. I really like his music. 

Me and my friend went to the front side so we really closed to stage. And Glen Fredly perfomance so amazing. It was so cool. Everybody were singing and dancing. I could never be proud to us. Our worked hard was payed. It was 1500 people watched him.

I asked my friend. His name is Agay. He's from other school. I asked him how he thinks about Matswapati. And he answered that he was enjoying all the perfomance and he wait for another event from SMAN 3.

I'm so happy. I hope next year we can make event like MATSWAPATI again.