Sunday 29 March 2015

Natural phenomenon

Natural phenomenon is an observable event which is not man-made. Such as aurora, thunder, and many more. But, a simple natural phomenon that i think it has the most beautiful that we can see everyday is sunrise. 

Sunrise is the instant at which the upper edge of the sun appears over the eastern horizon in the morning. At sunrise, a glowing red ball peeks above the eastern horizon. As it rises, it shades to orange and then yellow. The day dawns bright and full of hope.

Usually sunrise starts at 5.50 am. The light of the sun in the morning is good for our health. I like to wake up in the morning before sunrise and go out side so i can feel the sun when it rises. But, i do that in the weekend because in usual days i have to go to school.

Best sunrise i’ve ever seen was in Bali. 

It’s really beautiful. I could see the sun, breath with a fresh air and listened to the sound of wave. 

I want to see the beautiful sunrise again. I want to see sunrise at Bromo Mountain. It is a popular place to see sunrise. 

I wish i can see sunrise in many places. I really love to see sunrise because that is a big miracle from god. 

That’s all.. thank you guys!